Tuesday, January 27, 2009

flavor of the week #5

so since i'm now at iwu in the short time that i have been here i have already grown to love mcconn. yum....specifically my drink of choice as of late has been hot tea....more specifically...wildberry plum hot tea....so good! you should totally try it!

back again

so i know i haven't been here in a long time, but life has been a little crazy...so to fill you (being the 2 people who might read this..hehe) in...

i am now in my forth week here at iwu and i am loving it!! things are going really well...i've made a few new friends and am reconnecting with some old ones.

i am taking a class called authentic leader and i really like it. we talk about some pretty heavy stuff, but it is really good. part of that class is a leadership practice. what that means is that i need to have some area of my life in which a have some kind of leadership role. i'm still working on the details, but i plan to plug into a local church youth group. i will have to quote un-quote keep record of what i'm doing and learning about leadership throughout the semester. i plan to do that here. i will continue to write random things too, but now maybe about once a week (depending on what the practice part looks like) i will be posting something about that.

i am really excited about this semester and the things i could learn about leadership and about myself!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

nuts, right?!

this morning i was reading for my servant leader class. we were assigned to read several chapters in the old testament. in 1 samuel 14, king saul's son jonathan decided that he was going to go attack the philistines. now, this wasn't like jonathan and the army, this was jonathan and his armor bearer....that's it...against all of the philistines.....um....nuts, right?! totally what i was thinking.

then i was thinking....this armor bearer guy didn't really have a choice, he had to go with jonathan. if i were him i would have been a little freaked out at that point...two guys against an entire army! then in verse 7 the armor bearer says, "do all that you have in mind. go ahead; i am with you heart and soul."


he had the trust in jonathan and the faith in God to be like, "alright, bring it!" i don't know if i really do that. how many times to i willingly go into situations that look ridiculously impossible and dive in with the faith that God's got it all under control? not very many. it's no big deal if it seems easy or normal, but what about the hard stuff? isn't that where your faith should really show up?

just a thought to ponder.

Monday, January 5, 2009


sunday...wake up, church, drive down, move in, dinner with fam, bed

monday...up at 7, registration at 8...business info meeting, business info meeting x2 (long story, don't ask), register for classes, lunch, orientation, get ID, buy books, back to room, dinner, and now.....


but only for a moment...

classes start tomorrow!