Wednesday, December 24, 2008


"to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone"

well...i will be seeing a lot of this in the very near future. i am transferring schools and will be moving in 11 days. i'm excited, nervous, and a hundred other things. i'm sure there will be much more writing to come as i go through this....change.

..on to..

flavor of the week #4

cranberry iced tea...had some at higher grounds the other day....delicious

Monday, December 15, 2008


finals....back in a few days

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

flavor of the week #3

so this is a little late, but here it is...every thanksgiving my mom's side of the family gets together. we spend all day at my grandparent's house eating and hanging out, eating, napping, playing basketball, eating and did i mention eating (after all, it is thanksgiving, what else would we be doing?) well...along with that eating comes drinking...not the bad kind of drinking...haha...bad kind....anywho...with the exception of this year we always have rc it! i truly missed it this year and this post is now my ode to rc and all of it wonderful deliciousness.

...i'm back..

so i know it's been forever since i've written on her, but i finally finished my four projects that were all due on the same day, so stress levels are down, and the writing that i actually enjoy resumes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

stress levels are rising

the lack of posts is due to a giant portfolio that i have due in two weeks that is 60% of my grade for that class...see you in two weeks

Thursday, November 13, 2008


these last few days i have felt like i have nothing to say

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

my flavor of the week #2

who doesn't love a nice fruit punch every now and then...i mean really...this is good stuff.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


according to diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, an important four-day celebration in october or november that commemorates the beginning of winter

my dad was invited by a man that he works with to attend a party for diwali at ipfw tonight. my brother and i went with him. it was really interesting...i really just wanted to sit back and observe. here are some things that i observed...

1- i saw so many stunningly beautiful women in fantastic clothing. the clothing that the women wore was so colorful and full of beading, and they were all so different and unique

2- the man that invited my dad, amrut, genuinely wanted us to learn about his culture...several times during the event he would lean over and tell us some fact about a dance that the children were doing or something about the was really very interesting. it was neat to see the pride that he had in his heritage.

3- the whole thing felt like a big family reunion. we got there a little late and by the time we arrived the seats at the tables were full and the food was almost gone and everyone was walking around talking to everyone and i think that the mc's for the night asked everyone to sit down 4 or 5 times so they could start the festivities before anyone began to it!

i love learning about different cultures and their customs and religions and things like that so i loved going tonight.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


do you ever just need to have that feeling of just kind of chill? for me, nothing influences my mood more than music. lately i've been feeling mellow...not a bad mellow, but a kind of relaxed mellow. i was going through my ipod and stopped on an album that i hadn't listened to in a while. i love tracy chapman her voice has a real soothing element to it and the album has a real folksy feel to it and tends to relax me. is a it. you should definitely check out some more of her music.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


"before you get to wonderful you have to go through alright"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


tonight i went to my great-grandma's 87th birthday party. it was neat. that's all.

this is brandon, my dad and i with my great-grandma in florida a few years ago.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my flavor of the week

i think i'm in love......with an iced mocha. it's name is mocha joe....i heart burger king!

Monday, October 20, 2008

wait, rewind that

for one of my classes i had to lead a problem solving meeting using a technique that we learned in class and it was video taped so that we could watch it and write a reflection paper on what we did well and what we could improve on. as i was writing my paper this morning i was thinking...wouldn't it be great if we had that for our spiritual lives. think about it, we would have a chance to see what we were doing well and things that we could work on. it's one thing for someone else to tell you that you're doing something wrong, but to have the chance to see yourself doing it would be a whole different thing.

while i was giving my presentation of the meeting i found myself trying to stand up straighter, talk more eloquent, and things like that because i knew i was being recorded...maybe i should live my life like i'm being recorded, because i guess i sort of am...God sees everything i do.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


a few weeks ago had a list of the 10 best ways to waste time online and my current favorite is basically, it just has pictures and videos of things that are huges fails! pretty much amazing...

here is my lastest fav..

fail owned pwned pictures

and so it begins

so here i am joining the wild and crazy world of blogging. i've tried this before and it sort of died, so this time i'm not going to try and make it anything that it isn' will just be a place for my thoughts, funny stories, random things i find online, etc.
